Friday, March 7, 2008


This week I caught two mafia-related movies in the theatre.

First was Ah-Long Pte Ltd on Wednesday after such A-Long time.

Yes it did took me so long now that Chinese New Year is over and newer flicks are taking over. But while I have already caught Ah Long in action, they still have not caught that Mas Selamat guy who have escaped for more than a week. It really makes me wonder where he could have went.

Back to Ah Long the movie. Amidst those bad reviews and controversies about who-copy-whose-movie, the show was not too bad to watch actually. It was still entertaining with the usual jokes provided although I still can't stand Mark Lee's Malaysian accent-acting and that director Jack Neo seemed to have shifted his focus to the Malaysia audiences.

And just a few days earlier before Ah Long Pte Ltd was Bangkok Love Story, which should be more of Bangkok Mafia Story instead. Basically it's a Thai homoerotic film about a gunman and a rich man and their love story. Oh needn't to explain any further there.

It's something akin to Brokeback Mountain but is more draggy and choppy in here. And the reason I'm saying it's Bangkok Mafia Story because there seemed to be more gangster-violence elements than actual love ones in it. Every second it's either I see people getting shot, getting into fights, being beaten up or something tragic will happen. Or maybe that's just what I saw when I get up from my occasional winks in my seat.

And I'm amazed by how the two characters can openly make out on a roof and on the street without anyone taking shots of them or someone shouting at them, "Oi! Thiam lah!"

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