Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kow Long Chou

This Chinese New Year, apart from the usual group of relatives' and friends' houses that I have to go visiting to, there were three other persons I've planned to visit - Ah Kow, Ah Long and Ah Chou.

However, with Chinese New Year already coming to a close, I've only had the time to meet up with Ah Kow but not quite the other two.

Now before I go on any further, let me explained that Ah Kow, Ah Long and Ah Chou, these three fellows were not any distant relatives of mine. And they were not some ah beng friends I have befriended. Neither were they some Chinese deities like "Fu Lu Shou", although in this case it would be "Kow Long Chou."

They were actually the three main leads from three flicks that's showing in our theatres this Chinese New Year period.

Ah Kow, as you'd know, is the adorable alien dog in Stephen Ah Chow's latest comedy CJ7; While Ah Long is the female loan shark played by Fann Wong in Jack Ah Neo's Ah Long Pte Ltd. And of course, Ah Chou is Jay Chou who kungfu-hustles basketball in Kungfu Dunk.

Though it was a pity that I did not managed to catch Ah Long and Ah Chou the two shows, then someone had came up to me consoling and saying, it would be even more pitiful to watch them.

Their reviews was so bad that I actually heard some of them saying, Ah Long Pte Ltd should have pig-head hanged, red paint splashed, and owe $9.50 pay $9.50. While Kungfu Dunk should be dunked into the trash bin in an early spring cleaning for next year's Chinese New Year.

How really bad the two shows is, I don't really know. And I also couldn't care much about it because I'll still stick to liking CJ7. It's delightful to watch, it's Stephen Chow with his wacky antics, and the dog is cute. But out of all these, there's only one main reason - because they used my favourite 70s disco song, Boney M's Sunny in the movie.

"Sunny, one so true, I love you..."

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