Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 here I come

Though there's no more champagne and the fireworks are through,

Happy New Year
to everyone!

Wow, a new year has arrived and it feels like a fresh start with lots of anticipation.

Let's see what's there for me to look forward to in 2008...

Up and about in this month will be yours truly birthday (haha haiz another year older liao *sobs*), then followed by sunny girl Kalyn with her BIG 21st birthday bash. Then comes the holiday with lots of angbaos and bak-kwa.

And other highlights like F1 race, Singapore Flyer, Beijing Olympics, Mamma Mia! the movie (must-watch movie in 2008 for me!), and so on...

And so I guess for now all that partying is almost done (or not quite?). Well whatever it is, the past week sure was pretty physically, mentally and cash-draining doing all those celebrating, and topping it off with some other miscellaneous stuff like shopping, food-gorging, and an IPPT test.

Woo... now it's the time for me to get some rest before I need to get my body moving again, not shaking in clubs but to do spring cleaning and painting in my room. =p

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